Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Harsh Reality of War in Wilfred Owen’s Poem Dulce et...

Wilfred Owen’s poem â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† makes the reader acutely aware of the impact of war. The speaker’s experiences with war are vivid and terrible. Through the themes of the poem, his language choices, and contrasting the pleasant title preceding the disturbing content of the poem, he brings attention to his views on war while during the midst of one himself. Owen uses symbolism in form and language to illustrate the horrors the speaker and his comrades go through; and the way he describes the soldiers, as though they are distorted and damaged, parallels how the speaker’s mind is violated and haunted by war. Chaos and drudgery are common themes throughout the poem, displayed in its form; it is nearly iambic pentameter, but not†¦show more content†¦This image is definitely not the glamorous picture of glory that, say army recruitment presents; worse, the soldiers are doing worse than civilians. As soon as the next stanza â€Å"[m]en ma rched asleep. Many had lost their boots† (5). They have lost their usual awareness and move mechanically; that doesn’t sound appealing! It gets worse: â€Å"[b]ut limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind† (6). So now they’re limping, apparently wounded, covered in blood, and can’t even see? It worsens further, â€Å"[d]runk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots/ Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind† (7-8). The soldiers are so exhausted it incapacitates them, and they can no longer hear the bullets being fired. This poem sounds like a distorted nightmare, except the speaker is living it, and even reliving the torment of the soldier’s death while he is unconscious. Owen’s wording expresses that the soldiers are merely men, deteriorating and inconceivably overwhelmed the opposite of positive war poetry containing glory and honor. Owen also uses language of terror and powerlessness for the speaker as the poem p rogresses. Describing the soldier the speaker has seen fail to attach his gas mask, he says, â€Å"I saw him drowning† (14). He dreams of this encounter repeatedly, â€Å"[in] all my dreams, before my helpless sight/ He plunges at me† (15-16). In his dreams, he is not only powerless to aid this man, butShow MoreRelatedWilfred Owen Poetry Analysis744 Words   |  3 Pagesdepicted in Wilfred Owen’s poetry where he portrays his horrific war experiences, thus providing his poems with an unsettling tone. This idea is evident in Owen’s war poems â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est† (1920) and â€Å"Insensibility† (1918). Throughout these poems, Owen employs sensory imagery to allow the reader to envision the horrors facing the soldiers, both physically and emotionally. This subsequently results in an unsettling tone, compounded with the dehumanisation of the soldiers. Wilfred Owen employsRead MoreCulce Et Decorum Est and Anthem of the Doomed814 Words   |  3 Pageschange in society and given voice to controversial topics. Wilfred Owen influenced his nation and became a powerful and significant agent of change through his literature as he demonstrated throughout his poetry how war is not something to be glorified yet is a horrific injustice suffered by many. By analysing Dulce Et Decorum Est and Anthem Of The Doomed it can be said that Owen’s significant message is to confront the idea of glorifying war and the patriotic sentiment of trench warfare. The horrificRead MoreThe Heroism Of The Men1328 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history there have been wars; battles are fought over a woman, Helen of Troy, over land, religion, and family feuds (the Hatfield and McCoy feud). War and its aftermath are never pretty unless penned by authors who never step into a battlefield. Lives are lost, our fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters have all sacrificed for their causes. Lord Alfred Tennyson romanticized the of notion war and of the battle that was fought on the battlefield in his poem The Charge of the Light Brigade,Read MoreComparision of The Soldier and Dulce et Decorum Est Essay1586 Words   |  7 Pageswith â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† by Wilfred Owen with regard to theme, tone, imagery, diction, metre, etc† The Soldier by Rupert Brooke, and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen are two poems which were written during the First World War, and both being written about this conflict, they share the same theme of war poetry. However, the two poems deal very differently with the subject of war, resulting in two very different pieces of writing. 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In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, the authorRead More Analysing Willfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est.1377 Words   |  6 PagesWillfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est. ‘Dulce ET Decorum Est’ is an anti-war poem, which emphasizes the intensity of war. The meaning of the ironic title roughly translated into ‘it is good and honourable’ but is not fully established until you examine the poem. The full title ‘Dulce ET Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori’ means ‘it is good and honourable to die for your country’. However the main aspect of this poem is paradoxical to its title. This demonstrates the message Wilfred Owen’s is insinuatingRead MoreAnalysis Of Wilfred Owen s Dulce Et Decorum Est938 Words   |  4 Pagesitself has taught students that the First World War was the most devastating war the world has ever seen in a sense of ideals, morals, and social aspects thanks to many of the war poets during that time period. Wilfred Owen is known to be one of the most famous war poets during the twentieth century especially during the First World War when he wrote â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†. His poem details the horrors these soldiers faced in the trenches during World War 1 and conveys the hidden meaning that â€Å"it isRead MoreWilfred Owen Depicts The Horror And Futility Of War1008 Words   |  5 Pagespoetry, Wilfred Owen depicts the horror and futility of war and the impact war has on individuals.† What is your view? Wilfred Owen’s porter vividly depicts the horror and futility of war and the detrimental impact of war upon the soldiers. Owen’s poem, ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’, written in 1917 depicts the horror of war as the physical and mental damages on the solders. Most importantly, the context of the poem subverts its title. In his other poem, ‘Futility’ written in 1918, conveys war as fatal

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Overpopulation Is Not The Issue - 1382 Words

Overpopulation is blamed for many of todays problems around the world including poverty, hunger, and war. In reality, overpopulation is not the issue. In fact, the term â€Å"overpopulation† shouldn’t even be used because it makes one infer that there is too many people on this planet. That, however, is not true. There are plenty of resources to go around and the population may actually be declining instead of growing. Overpopulation will not be an issue for the future of planet Earth because the poverty rate is decreasing, there is plenty of food for everyone, and birth rates are going down. Poverty decreases as population increases. Poverty isn’t a disease its the lack of a thing like darkness. Poverty usually exists when infrastructure†¦show more content†¦A single human being is incapable of solving some of the most basic problems that need to be solved in order for their lives to improve. With community, however, there is an assembly of minds and an increase in labor that allows people to solve a problem and accomplish a harder and more complex task (Episode 4: Poverty). More people actually helps lower poverty rates. People have more opportunities in urban areas to increase education therefore getting a higher paying job and bringing them out of poverty. There is plenty of food to go around, it just isn’t always distributed evenly. â€Å"The world currently produces enough food for everybody, but many people do not have access to it† (What Causes Hunger?). Something along these line was said by both the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFO). We can grow more food on less land now because of genetically modified plants. Plant breeders have worked to find the best variety of plants that can produce the most and resist disease and other natural problems. Since many plants have been genetically modified, they produce higher yields. We are also able to grow food in places where it has now been able to be grown before. This is because of modern technology such as better irrigation systems, adding nutrients and chemicals to the soils, and finding crops that would better adapt to a

Monday, December 9, 2019

Security and Privacy Issues Associated for Information System

Question: Discuss about theSecurity and Privacy Issues Associated for Information System. Answer: Introduction Information and communication technologies have reformed the conventional approaches for social interaction which can be evidently observed in the magnanimous volume of users engaged on social networking websites. The report emphasizes on the topic of security and privacy issues in social media. The topic selected for the report could be validated on the grounds of social media being a major information technology that is frequently subjected to security risks (Ellison, 2007). The use of social media is largely perceived in the segment of youth which leads to prominent implications for vulnerability regarding information privacy and security. The report discusses on the topics background followed by a functional review of the issues and challenges pertaining to social media as well as the description of relevant technologies (Gangopadhyay Dhar, 2014). The background of the topic can be observed in the utilization of social media for online interaction and communication that require the user to create an online profile through which they can share information in online communications (Chang Torkzadeh, 2013). Furthermore, Kumar et al said that the increasing user base of social media sites could also be attributed to the flexibility of creating a profile in these platforms and engage in online interactions (Kumar et al., 2013). The understanding of the challenges and problems associated with social media could support the discussion by providing opportunities to clarify certain vague areas observed in the privacy and security in context of social media (Gido, Clements Clements, 2014). The prominent challenge identified in the case of security aspect of social media refers to privacy of information which can be attributed to the dramatic increase in the user participation in such sites (Sattikar Kulkarni, 2011). As per Gangopadhyay Dhar, the reforms in the privacy policies of the social media websites such as Facebook have also created formidable consequences for users. Some of the other profound threats to the security and privacy of information on social media networks such as identity theft, phishing and profiling risk were also included in the discussion to obtain comprehensive insights into the possible prevention strategies that can be presented for addressing the issue (Gangopadhyay Dhar, 2014). Furthermore the discussion would involve establishment of certain research questions pertaining to the topic that can be reflective of the approach required to be followed in the discussion(Kumar et al., 2013). The reflection on research questions enabled the acquisition of secondary information form literature review and practical examples in context of social media which supported the discussion. The discussion on the alternative technologies such as content driven platforms that involve e xamples of YouTube and Quora and the associated security and privacy issues associated with them (Kerzner, 2017). Important issues of security and privacy of social networking sites Here in this section, the core theme is being addressed that is the challenges that are related to the security and privacy related to social media. There are a number of issues related to security in social media as it covers numerous technologies such as operating systems, scheduling resources, networks, virtualization, communication, the privacy of data, memory management, management of chats, and control of data (Laudon Laudon, 2016). Hence, in social media, the security issues are applicable for most of these technologies and systems. Further, in social media due to virtualization paradigm, it leads to many concerns related to security. For instance, mapping of the machines from virtual to physical has to be carried out in a secure manner. The security of the data will be involving the data encryption along with making sure that policies that are appropriate are enforced for sharing of data (Larson Gray, 2013). In addition to this, the algorithms of memory management and alloc ation of resources are to be secured. Finally, for detection of malware in the social media the techniques of data mining might be applicable. In the intrusion detection systems, this is an approach that is adopted usually. The following shows that there are six areas in the environment of social media were particularly the software and the equipment require considerable attention for security. The six areas include securing the data when it is at rest, security the data in transit, validation of processes or users or applications, reliable separation of the data belonging to various customers, regulatory and legal issues of social media, and response to incident (Lucky, Adegoke Othman, 2014). Challenges associated with the security and privacy issues associated with social media: Privacy risks: The mechanisms that are incorporated by social media are not enough for protecting the users. The primary challenge regarding privacy is that the sites are not able to inform the users regarding the threats of spreading the personal information of the users. Security challenges: Social engineering makes use of the fake accounts for notifying the users for resetting of their accounts and even sends infected e-mails in the form of security notifications. One of the most important challenges that are faced in social media is regarding revealing of any kind of personal data (Kumar et al., 2013). Anonymity challenges: These attacks have their targets on the privacy and identity of the users. The challenges of direct attack of anonymity compromise the anonymity of the users by compromising on the location and information of the mobile device (Li et al., 2015). Impact of the issues in the real world With the kind of reports that are coming up regarding the social networking sites that are being attacked by the hackers and is being affected by the privacy issues some of the reputed sites are updating their privacy format constantly. When a third party is holding the data it is also noticed to have a lack of transparency and control potential (Schwalbe, 2015). It partly assumed that the social media can be independent of implementation, but in real transparency into the site is required by regulatory compliance. Some of the companies are encouraged by different security and privacy issues of data in maintaining the site for avoiding the above-mentioned issues. However, it is essential to address the following concerns properly. For securing the data when it is at rest the mechanisms of locking the account through the privacy settings does not actually mean that the profile is necessarily safe. The self-encrypting drives are now shipped by hard drive manufacturers, which will implement the storage standards of the trusted privacy group. The encryption hardware is created by this self-encrypting drives into the site (Snyder, 2014). This will provide the automated encryption with low-performance impact and cost. For protecting the data, however, the software encryption can be used, but it will slow down the process and is not very secure because it might give a chance to the rival in stealing the privacy data from the system without it being detected (Too Weaver, 2014). For securing the data in transit encryption is considered to be the best option. In addition to this, it is made sure by the authentication and integrity protection mechanisms that data will go only to that user to whom it has to be delivered and is not altered in transit. For any updates and uploads on the site strong authentication is an obligatory requirement. Authentication and access control are the important features in the social media environment since the data is accessible to anyone over the net. Hence, if the access of the user is cancelled then the user can be notified by the customer identity management system in real time (Tromp Homan, 2015). Even after having the privacy settings and the various measures that offered by the sites still it is considered to be one of the most important concerns. It is advised not to share the personal information. This is done for avoiding the unintentional access to the sensitive data. For separating the users, virtual machines are used by the social networking sites. In networking sites, the extremely important concerns that have security suggestions are legal and regulatory issues. In this regard, the issues that are to be considered are sharing and security of data, retention of data, identity theft, cybercrime, legal discovery, and destruction of data (Too Weaver, 2014). A trusted platform and storage module accessing techniques will be able to limit the access to the critical and sensitive data in the area of identity theft and harassment. The incident such as unexpected behaviour as a part of it the customer is required to plan for the breaching of possible social networking site security or misbehaviour of the user. For this purpose, a response that is automated or notification would be the best solution. Functional Review The functional review of the identified threats and challenges could be denoted form the lapses in the privacy and security which currently exists in the social media form the huge amount of information (Gangopadhyay Dhar, 2014). The functionality of the privacy and security norms directly associate with the restrictions regarding the convenience of theft of data and high profile information. The functionality of the privacy and security threats has the potential of disrupting systematic framework in the social media sites. Reflection As a result of the above discussions on security and privacy issues of social networking sites, it is believed that the environment is a multi-domain environment. In this, each of the domains can use diverse privacy, security, and trust requirements and it employs different mechanisms, semantics, and interfaces potentially. The services that are enabled individually or other applications are represented by these domains. It has been noticed that the technology that is naturally relevant in facilitating such kind of multi-domain formation is the service-oriented architectures with the help of service composition and instrumentation. It seems to be significant in controlling the existing research on the integration policy of multi-domain in securing data on the sites of social media and dealing with the privacy issues and the service composition that is secured for building the wideranging framework of policy-based management in the environments. It has been identified that the followi ng are some of the critical security and privacy issues in social networking sites which need to be addressed immediately for using them securely (Lucky, Adegoke Othman, 2014). Authentication and identity management: With the help of privacy settings, the users can access their personal information easily. With the help of identity management mechanism users and services can be authenticated on the basis of characteristics and credentials. Access control and accounting: As the services are diversified the access requirements to the domains are also diverse in the environment of social sites, hence it will demand an access control policy that is fine grained (Lucky, Adegoke Othman, 2014). To be specific the services are access control has to be flexible enough for capturing the context. Information sharing: The fundamental use of the social networking site is to have an interaction with people, but with various sites, the information on privacy settings will be changed. Hence it is encouraged to maintain a profile with real identities. Conclusion The social networking sites are providing the comprehensive platform for communication and at the same time, people are getting addicted to the online social media. Breaching of privacy information is becoming a threat to the users of social media. Hence it is threatening the privacy of the user. Therefore, while creating the social networking sites, it is advised to provide correct identities and has to be aware and vigilant. This is needed for the regulatory causes and for comforting the concern over the potential breaches of the data. There are many significant problems faced by the security area in establishing the correct metrics of security that is responsible for the consistent and accurate measurements. Hence it is required to evaluate the best practices and to develop the standards for making sure of the usage of the social networking sites that are secured. For the improvement in the technology and for growth in the economy it is very important in ruling out the issues that are causing the blocks to the users. References Chang, J. C. J., Torkzadeh, G. (2013). 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International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), 1382-1394. Tromp, J. W., Homan, T. (2015). How unplanned changes emerge while implementing a Project Management Information System (PMIS) in a complex multi project RD environment. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 194, 211-220.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Jazz Pedagogy Secondary School Music Teachers free essay sample

Jazz pedagogy is not a required field of study for music education majors in the state of California and many other states. Many new music teachers, employed as band directors in secondary schools, often find themselves directing a Jazz ensemble with little or no personal experience In playing or Improvising Jazz. Jazz Is one of the most important music taught in public middle and high schools (Kelly, 2013). There are several studies (Mantle, 2009, Milkiest, 2001 , Wetted, 2007), which show that participation and interest in public school Jazz band programs has continued to rise since the sass.Moonwalk (2001) reports that, In 1960, there were 5,000 high school jazz bands in this country, and in 1980 there were more than 500,000. Students majoring in English Literature, would not earn their bachelor degree, let alone qualify for their Single Subject Teaching Credential in English, without ever studying William Shakespeare. However, In the state of California, students majoring In music education can graduate and receive their California State Single Subject Teaching Credential without ever taking a class in Jazz studies. We will write a custom essay sample on Jazz Pedagogy Secondary School Music Teachers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In California, music teachers are entrusted to teach music, including Jazz music, to more than 2. Million students In more than 1200 middle schools and 1300 high schools throughout the state (CA Dept. Of Education 2011-12), and many of them have no experience In Jazz pedagogy. Both Kelly (2013) and Milkiest (2001), agree that most music education majors enter the field with little or no jazz experience and are expected to be experts (at least in the eyes of students, administrators, and parents) without adequate support from collegiate music education.Graduating as a music education major without any course work in jazz pedagogy and no personal experience in jazz improvisation is a ajar weakness in the music curriculum, in the state of California. Commenting on the 1994 publication of the united States National Music Standards, Benedict, (2006, p. 18), stated It appears that, over the past 113 years, little has changed, or been questioned, with regard to the goals and purposes of a music education program. Changing the dominant status quo in any organization, institution or government means changing the attitude and biases of the individuals that are in control.Those In control could be considered the oppressors, but not the oppressors that Paulo Fire refers to in his seminal book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Rather, the oppressor refers to the hegemony found in society, and therefore schools, that dictates what and whose knowledge is most worth having (Benedict, 2006, p. 21). In music education, for example, considerations of curriculum namely what of all that could be taught Is most worth teaching -? cannot be determined by empirical research and thus are all but ignored in the present how to climate of instrumental reason (Resellers, 2005, p. ). The differences between theory and practice are issues that can be viewed through the lens of critical theory. Critical theory Is a theory of social change. The alma of critical theorists Is to uncover the underlying assumptions we have about a given subject; they help and bring to light that which keep us from understanding the true reality of that subject. In the words of Resellers, (2005, p. 17), I OFF and thus makes the individual the subject of his or her own destiny, not an object for the carrying out of instrumental reason. Critical consciousness can empower people to take ownership of their own and collective interests and give them the ability to change those interests. A critical theory of music education will look with approval on methods that actually empower students to be able to and want to be musically involved throughout life with music (Resellers, 2005, p. 19). Colleges and universities need to consider new ways of teaching their education majors a broader genre of music. Teaching, what has been regarded as the standard curriculum content, is not giving future music educators the tools and disciplines they need to teach Jazz pedagogy.Being an effective teacher of Jazz requires the teacher to be a practitioner of Jazz. A cursory course in Jazz pedagogy will not suffice. Future secondary school teachers need to participate in Jazz ensembles. School teachers need to learn how to improvise and create melodies over the blues and standard chord progressions. They need to know the history of Jazz and who the major contributors of the art form were and currently are. Music educators must bridge the gap between band repertoire and Jazz culture. To be effective as educators-? teachers who can model, guide, and mentor young Jazz musicians, and who can connect them to the community of Jazz-?music education students must immerse themselves in the sounds, styles, and culture of Jazz (Vole, 2005, p. 2). Initially, learning about Jazz is learning how to listen. Modifying the curriculum in our colleges and universities, to allow education majors to explore Jazz, means changing the hegemonic notion that teaching music is only teaching Western classical art music.We need to not only change the course catalog, but also change the attitude of the music faculty. The music literature taught at most schools is a reflection of the faculty that teaches at those institutions. Even though Jazz pedagogy has exploded over the past 50 years, it is shown little respect by many faculty members in institutions of Geiger learning. We need to empower education majors and faculty members to change the status quo of the music education curriculum. Jazz education is an integral part of the music curriculum in public schools, in California.