Thursday, October 31, 2019

Management Information System Lead To Efficient Services Research Paper

Management Information System Lead To Efficient Services - Research Paper Example   The problem in the Java books is the management of supply chain wherein the procured finished goods are sold to customers. Through inventory, the finished materials are recorded, stored, processed, received, and fulfilled for the effective control of operation because it establishes the consistent connection between the purchase of books and delivery.  The information system is significant in controlling the inventory of books because after it received orders, the computer-based systems will process the changes in the data. Thus, it records relevant information automatically. Shajahan (2004) asserts that the system can inform the managers of the items that must be ordered to shipping companies. The author asserted that this system aids business to ensure a high-quality of service for costumes and saves time in searching for the records in the manual system. This strategy is most preferred due to its accurate data or information provided; hence, it prevents companies from shutti ng down. Furthermore, inventory management avoids â€Å"overstocking,† which decreases expenses because of the clear picture of needed materials (Oz, 2009, p. 86). Invoicing Invoice generation refers to the issued bill of a seller to the buyer that includes the price, quantities, and scheduled date for payment (Sagner, 2011, p. 104). Ward (1995) initiates that invoicing, with the help of MIS, will avoid errors during the transaction period between the buyer and a seller. When conducting transactions, invoice design must be readable, clean, and accurate address and statements. Automated invoicing allows for designing the format that matches the criteria such as MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) or OCR (Optical Character Recognition) fonts. Thus, it will result in the efficient transaction because of accurate information indicated in the bill including discounts. Repetition and inconsistency of orders and storage prevent problems for managers. Order Fulfillment Costumer s are conscious of their time; hence, they want for a fast, accurate, and low-cost services provided to them. Through the help of MIS, the manager can attain the desires of her customers. When customers order for a specific book, the manager can check its availability on the warehouse and response immediately to their request, which increases customer satisfaction. When compared to manual management, the customer is obliged to wait until he garners the response. However, MIS "synchronize and manage the flow of materials" despite the complexity of resources (Ricker & Kalakota, 1999, p. 66). Thus, the manager can easily meet the demand of consumers and its changing preferences due to MIS. In addition, customer satisfaction increases due to the on-time distribution system. Unlike in the manual processing in Smith's bookstore, the customers were dissatisfied because the books are delivered late. With the help of inventory control system, the processing of order fulfillment is enhanced. It is noted that on-time delivery of orders signifies an efficient distribution operation. According to Ricker and Kalakota (1999), order fulfillment creates an impact on customers due to the following reasons: on-time delivery, less erroneous mistakes, and convenience in customer experience.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Personal Statement on Philosophy of Education Research Paper

Personal Statement on Philosophy of Education - Research Paper Example From the understanding of the historical literature philosophy of education, it is worth noting that a learner or every child must be identified as a unique individual who needs to secure knowledge towards stimulating intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth and maturity. Therefore, as an educator (Dhawan 79), it is my desire to help each student to meet his or her fullest potential in educational growth and maturity by providing for them with a safe environment that supports risk-taking and inviting sharing of ideas towards their knowledge growth and development. Notably, I believe that the three educational philosophy elements that I must apply to achieve these goals. These elements are usually conductive towards establishing proper learning and developing an environment in every learner’s education or learning process. These elements include the expectation of the teacher as the guide to any educational process; learners should be allowed to follow their natural curiosity and the same should to direct the learning process, and the last element is promoting respect among the learners. Therefore, it is understandable that it is my role as a teacher to guide and provide access to information to the students rather than being the primary source of the information to the students or learners. Hence, the learner should be in the forefront in search of knowledge such that their search of knowledge is quenched as they learn to provide an appropriate answer to their questions.... Hence, the learner should be in the forefront in search of knowledge such that their search of knowledge is quenched as they learn to provide an appropriate answer to their questions (Kilpatrick 38). Thus, the construction of knowledge needs the opportunity for discovering new practices and skills in authentic situations (Frankena 90). Therefore, as a teacher I understand that adequate access to hand on activities, as well as adequate space and time to students, is vital enable them to use the identified material to apply and reinforce acquired knowledge thereby allowing them with an individual opportunity to construct and discover knowledge. Additionally, other than providing learning materials and self-discoveries opportunities to the learners, it is vital to ensure that these materials are relevant and meaningful to the life and the interest of the learner. Achieving these targets can only be met through a constructive and thoughtful curriculum that revolves mainly around or foste rs intrinsic interests that motivate and stimulates the learner’s passion and interest (Kilpatrick 35). Therefore, curriculum is a vital tool that will help me to follow the right path towards helping the learner to achieve his or her interests and goals objectively and successfully (Elias 213). Notably, an effective curriculum can only be generated from learners’ ideas and set goals rather than creating the curriculum for educator’s self-imaginations (Frankena 132). In other words, as an educator, I will give students the opportunity to help in negating a curriculum and this will be achieved through viewing and analysing their interests. It is worth noting that when the students are taught by their own the curriculum, they will

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Some Distractions While Driving English Language Essay

Some Distractions While Driving English Language Essay Im driving down the road on a highway in a yellow Sun Fire, bumping to the radio with three other friends in the car as passengers, looking down in my lap, not glancing at the road, when all of a sudden I look up and see a green car coming toward me. I swerve to stop an accident from happening. Close, but everyone is safe. A year has past since I almost well, I dont know what could have happened. If I hadnt started paying attention we would have been gone. Be careful of your surroundings and what you are concentrating on while driving because you might just end up taking someones life just like I almost did. Ever since my incident in Hubbard, Ohio, I never talk and text while Im driving; however, if I have to talk or text, I pull over to the side of the road or into a parking lot. I never would have learned that, if I didnt experience it for myself. I didnt want to drive for a month, and if I really had to, I would make sure my phone was kept away so I wasnt tempted by it. I also received anxiety from my situation. I would become anxious when I got on the road and a car pulled out in front of me, or if a car would just tailgate me. Not only did my personal experience help me learn, but it helped me think about others on the road, instead of worrying about the friend or person that I was texting. When I realized what I was doing, I also realized, if I wouldve hit that car, I could have injured my friends and myself. If that were to happen as an accident, that wouldve been something I would have to deal with for life. Secondly, it was not my car, so therefore my insurance would have risen, and my best friend wouldnt have a car. If you ever witnessed an accident or were a part of one like me, take it as a lesson learned. In my case, I did because I didnt realize so many consequences that go along with distractions while driving. Its a big responsibility to take as a teenager. A lot of teenagers would want to party, hang with friends, and be with their boyfriends; they do not want to be in a hospital under critical condition because of an accident that happened from texting and talking while driving. So pay attention to the road, and not your phone. Talking and texting could be very deadly. Im here to tell you, how we can save a life by cutting out a lot of distractions while driving. The top ten distractions that are caused by accidents are eating, texting/talking, pets, radio, friends/family, moving objects, and lighting a cigarette ( 16, 2009). These top ten distractions are the cause of the high rates of accidents. All of these distractions while driving are deadly weapons, and we as college student/adults dont really take it seriously. There are three main distractions identified by (NHTSA) National Highway Traffic Safety Association: Visual, Manual, and Cognitive. Visual- is taking your eyes off the road, Manual- taking your hands off the wheel and Cognitive- taking your mind off what youre doing (UDT, pg.1). Dprimarily drive with edare (fragment) using while driving: , you listed six Drivers should avoid distractions while driving to prevent fatal crashes. Laws have been implemented; therefore, we would be at a lower risk for accidents, injuries, and deaths. The seven states that banned cell phones, found out that there were less accidents because they implemented the law (source?). Even if cell phones did become illegal, I understand we would still use them but they should be used for emergency purposes only. It may seem like common sense handling and dialing while driving but it makes it less safe because your eyes are off the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration three percent of drivers are talking on hand-held cell phones at any given time. The NHTS explains that fifty-four percent of drivers who usually have a wireless phone on their vehicle, and seventy-three percent are reported using their phones while driving (Lance, n.d. 2010, p.1). Since technology has advanced in society, there are so many things we can use on our cell phones while driving in a car. One of the most commonly used are blue tooths, (plural not possessive) which would help prevent some of our high accident rates. Bluetooth is a known method for data that uses short-range radio links to replace cables between computers and their connected units (Fitzgerald, 2006). The state of Minnesota has an all out ban on cell phones while driving; the law says a pProvisional driver may not operate a vehicle while using a cell phone. The other states will permit using a cell phone if it is not being held to your ear.   Ã‚  You can still use a cell phone while driving if you use a headset.   The wireless headsets are popular due to the new Bluetooth technology.   With the combination of the Bluetooth technology in your cell phone and headset it allows your headset to automatically connect to your cell phone without any set up (Wilson, Nov 4, 2005). According to Officer Gary Fernandez of the California Highway Patrols, he investigated that 1,119 accidents during 2008, which amounted to an 8 percent increase over the amount 1,036 accidents investigated in 2007. is a word missing from the quote? Fernandez also stated the amount of accidents while driving under the influence rose in 2008 over the amount in 2007 (Aelusive, n.d. 1). Relevancy? In Wisconsin within the last thirty days, they showed the statistics of each distraction with the percentage. Most of the distractions just cause injury, but some injuries might lead to death. Seventy-nine percent of teens listen to the radio, sixty-one percent of the drivers go over the speed limit, sixty-one percent drivers drive with no hands at all, and uses their knees, fifty-one percent of teens text/talk, and forty-five percent eat and drink while driving. These percentages are very high for us teenagers, and it puts us at a higher risk than everyone else. The comparison to teenagers driving with distractions is worse than an elderly person thats on the road going twenty miles per hour. At least the older people are going slower to prevent an accident, but were going over the speed limit, because were becoming distracted in the car. This isnt a good combination. Statistics also show that, the decreasing rate of distractions while driving doesnt slow down until we hit our fifty , because thats the age where they dont always have to use technology to communicate. in MLA numbers 20 and above are written as numerals unless they begin a sentence In conclusion, I would like to say and hope we, as teenagers and adults, learned that distractions while driving can be, and are very deadly. Not only can it cause accidents, deaths, injuries, and fatal car crashes, but it can save someones life. Or in my case, it saved my friends and me. However, the saying while your driving is, you always know what youre going to do while driving, but you dont know what the other driver is thinking. Thats so true, you always have to pay attention to the road and others action, but you cant, if youre always concentrating on a distraction in the car that can wait. All it takes is a split second for your eyes to focus on something else, and it could be your last. I really hope we can stop being selfish and worry about others that are on the roads, instead of ourselves. At times, we all take life for granted and dont realize what we have until its gone. So hopefully we can focus on the road instead of the phone, because luckily I was saved just in tim e. Im so blessed that God lifted my head up just in time, to prevent an accident, or maybe just my life. Work Cited entries not to style The 10 most dangerous foods to eat while driving., 09-16-2009. Web 13 Oct 2010. Lance, Kim. Cell Phone Statistics., Web. 13 Oct 2010. . Fitzgerald, P. (2006). Are Bluetooths headsets safe? U.S Department of Transportation. Washington: Web. 13 Oct 2010. . Wilson, N. (2005, November 4th). Legal and safe driving while talking on cell phone with Bluetooth enabled wireless headset. Retrieved from Joslyn, You chose a good case claim and supported it with a good variety of evidence. Your introduction and your conclusion work well together. I would have liked the conclusion to be shorter and less wordy because your last line is very powerful. This would have given it more focus. Your organization could be improved by grouping evidence with each main point consecutively. Im glad to see you went to the Writing Center, and you improved your grammar and mechanics significantly. There are still some issues as indicated above, but, again, its going in the right direction for sure. The assignment required 10 sources to include a personal interview, which you didnt include, meaning the paper does not meet the assignment requirements. This is a significant subtraction from your grade. Also, you have gone back and forth between APA and MLA style. 65/100 Grading Rubric Persuasive Essay Criteria Excellent A Good B OK C Not OK D or F Comments INTRODUCTION hooks the reader and provides necessary context. x CASE CLAIM clearly states a position on an arguable issue. x MAIN POINTS are relevant and clear. Word count dictates if all or most important points are included. x EVIDENCE from a variety of credible sources is used to support each main point. x x personal interview: none OPPOSING POINTS are relevant, with all essential opposing points included. x REBUTTAL fairly and reasonably counters each opposing point. x CONCLUSION serves to further strengthen the argument. x wordy, but the last line is excellent CALL TO ACTION is reasonable, actionable, and made as easy as possible to execute. x WORKS CITED PAGE follows the required style and is nearly error free. At least 10 (10) sources must be consulted. At least 7 sources must be cited. You must include a RELEVANT personal, email, or telephone interview from a credible source (not a relative, friend, etc.). At least four different genres must be used (i.e. book, journal, field research, website, online database, video, etc.). You may access sources on the Internet, however. x 10 sources: 8 not to style CITATIONS follow the required style and are nearly error free. x not to style ORGANIZATION of main points, case claim, evidence, etc. follows assignment requirements and shows proper planning. x TRANSITIONS provide that sentences, paragraphs, and essay all flow naturally. x GRAMMAR is almost free of interruptive error. x PUNCTUATION is almost free of interruptive error. x SPELLING is almost free of interruptive error. x AUDIENCE is considered in the selection of the issue, style, tone, and vocabulary. x LENGTH AND FORMAT meet the assignment requirements. A paper that is too short or too long is penalized by the percentage of words over or under count. x Heading: not in format Header: good Length: long works page not to format OVERALL INTEREST FACTOR x

Friday, October 25, 2019

Poor Richards Almanac Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First published by Benjamin Franklin in 1732, â€Å"Poor Richard’s Almanack† was a guide to both weather forecasts and wise sayings. Franklin used the pseudonym Richard Saunders in writing the text, which became an annual publication up until 1757. Response to the almanac was tremendous, and it sold as many as 10,000 issues a year. Second only to the bible, â€Å"Poor Richard’s Almanack† was one of the most popular and purchased publications in colonial America. The almanac stressed the two qualities Franklin found to be essential to success, industry and frugality. Benjamin Franklin wrote this in hope of having a positive effect on the colonies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Franklin wrote â€Å"Poor Richard’s Almanack† as a service to the American people, hoping to educate them and entice their intellectual cravings. Since it was extremely common for the almanac to be the only publication a person ever purchased, Franklin felt indebted to write as much as he possibly could. This important publication opened the discussion of many important issues people did not previously think about in their daily exchange (Giblin 24). From guidance on friendship to a prediction on the season’s weather, â€Å"Poor Richard’s Almanack† was a must-have on every colonists list.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Poor Richard’s Almanack† contained advice and readings having to do with many various subjects including women, marriage, economy, servants, wit, law, food, security, wealth, vi...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

AP Ch review

Describe the Green Belt Movement founded by Wangari Maathai Q)The Green Belt Movement is a movement that organizes poor women in rural Kenya to plant and protect millions of trees in order to combat deforestation. A)Distinguish among an old-growth forest, a second growth forest, and a tree plantation Q)An old-growth forest is an uncut or regenerated forest that has not been seriously disturbed by human activities or natural disasters for several hundred years or more. Second growth forests are stands of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession.A tree plantation is a managed forest containing only one or two species of trees that are all of the same ages. Q)What major ecological and economic benefits do forests provide? A)Forests, through photosynthesis remove C02 from the air and convert it into oxygen. Traditional medicines used by 80% of the world's population are derived mostly from plant species that are native to forests. Q)Describe the efforts of scientists and econ omists to put a price tag on the major ecological services provided by forests and other ecosystems.A)Scientist have attempted to put a price tag on the major ecological services by determining the alue of each depending on our usage of it. They arrived at an estimated $33. 2 Trillion dollars per year. 3Q)Describe the harm caused by building roads into previously inaccessible forests. A)Building roads in these once untouched areas of forest result in, increased erosion and sediment runoff into waterways, habitat fragmentation, and loss of biodiversity. Q)Distinguish among selective cutting, clear-cutting, and strip cutting in the harvesting of trees.A)Selective cutting is when intermediate-aged or mature trees in a forest are cut singly or in small groups. Clear-cutting is when loggers remove all rees in a certain area. Strip cutting is when loggers clear cut a strip of trees along the on contour of the land within a corridor narrow enough to allow natural forest regeneration within a few years. Q)What are the major advantages and disadvantages of clear-cutting forests? A)Some advantages of clear-cutting include higher timber yields, maximum profits in shortest time, can reforest with fast growing trees, and is good for tree species needing full or moderate sunlight.Some disadvantages of clear cutting include, the reduction of biodiversity, destruction and fragmentation of wildlife habitats, and increase in water ollution, flooding, and erosion on steep slopes, as well as the elimination of most recreational value. Q)What are two types of forest fires? A)Two types of forest fires are surface fires and crown fires. Q)What are some ecological benefits of occasional surface fires? A)The benefit of surface fires is that it burns up leaf litter, clearing the way for other plants to grow in that area. Q)What are four ways to reduce the harmful impacts of diseases and insects on forests?A)Four ways to reduce the harmful impacts of diseases and insects on forests is t o ban imported timber, remove or clear cut infected forests, develop trees that are enetically resistant to common tree diseases, as well as apply conventional pesticides. Q)What effects might projected climate change have on forests? A)The projected climate change could result in trees such as the maple tree dying, for they need cold weather in order to produce their sap. 4Q)What is deforestation and what parts of the world are experiencing the greatest forest losses?A)Deforestation is the temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forest for agriculture, settlements, or other uses. This is being used in less-developed countries, such as Latin America, Indonesia, and Africa. Q)List some major harmful environmental effects of deforestation. A)Deforestation harms the environment through the loss of biodiversity as well as the loss of C02 absorption. Q)Describe the encouraging news about deforestation in the United States. A)The U. S. ‘s forests are steadily re-growing, occupying more land than they did in the 1920's Q)How serious is tropical deforestation?A)Tropical deforestation is very serious because they hold more than half of the world's known species and also absorb the most C02 from the atmosphere. Q)What are the major underlying and direct causes of tropical deforestation? A)The major underlying and direct causes of tropical deforestation are farming and settlement. 5Q)Describe four ways to manage forests more sustainably. A)ldentify and protect forest areas with high biodiversity, rely more on selective cutting and strip cutting, stop clear-cutting steep slopes, as well as stop logging in old-growth forests.Q)What is certitle m e A)CertifIed timber is timber cut using environmentally sound practices. Q)What are four ways to reduce the harm to forests and to people caused by forest fires? A)Set small contained fires to remove flammable small tress and underbrush, llow some fires to burn no public land, protect houses and other buildings i n fire- prone areas, and thin forest areas vulnerable to fire. Q)What is a prescribed fire? A)A prescribed fire is one that is carefully monitored and planned. Q)What are three ways to reduce the need to harvest trees?A)lmprove the efficiency of wood use, non-tree fibers, and not using trees as fuel for fires. Q)Describe the fuelwood crisis and list three ways to reduce it severity. A)About half of the wood harvested globally each year, and three-fourths of the wood harvested in less-developed countries, is used for fuel. To reduce the severity is to establish small lantations of fast-growing fuelwood trees and shrubs, switch to burning garden plant wastes, and the use of stoves and running methane. Q)What are five ways to protect tropical forests and use them more sustainably?A)We can protect the forests and use them more sustainably by protecting large areas of forest, initiating debt-for-nature swaps, provision of assistance to neighboring farmers, paying companies to keep these forests active, and individuals planting trees. Q)6. ) Distinguish between rangelands and pastures. A)A rangeland is an unfenced grasslands in temperate and tropical climates that upply forage, whereas pastures are fenced meadows usually planted with domesticated grasses or other forge crops Q)What is overgrazing and what are its harmful environmental effects?A)Overgrazing occurs when too many animals graze for too long, which damages the grasses, eventually turning the area into an almost desert. Q)Describe efforts to reduce overgrazing in the Malpai Borderlands. A)These efforts are the restoration of natural grasslands and making sure not too many animals graze at one time. Q)What are three ways to reduce overgrazing and use rangelands more sustainably? A)Fencing off overgrazed areas until they can regenerate, rangeland management, and replanting severely degraded areas with a native grass.Q)Describe the contlict among ranching, biodiversity protection, and urban development in th e American West. A)Each group wants something that will make the other impossible, ranching for food, biodiversity protection to save the earth, and urban development for people to have places to live. Q)What major environmental threats affect national parks in the world and in the United States? A)The parks are too small to sustain many large animal species, as well s people coming into parks in search for food, wood, cropland, and other natural products.Q)How could national parks in the United States be used more sustainably? A)These parks could be used more sustainably by keeping them away from urban areas, not allowing polluting vehicles, and not destroying areas of it to create paths. Q)Describe some of the ecological effects of reintroducing the gray wolf to Yellowstone National Park in the United States. A)By reintroducing gray wolves into Yellowstone, the populations of the wolfs natural prey declined, setting things back into natural order.Q)What percentage of the world's l and has been set aside and protected as nature reserves, and what percentage do conservation biologists believe should be protected? About 13% is protected, but at least 20% should be set aside. 8Q)How should nature reserves be designed and connected? A)These reserves should be designed in such a way that they have a buffer zone between them and human life, so that they get the full effect of the protection, and connected to create large areas of protected land, increasing biodiversity.Q)Describe what Costa Rica has done to establish nature reserves. A)Costa Rica has ivided much of its land into megareserves, saving much of the forests, as well as creating a large economy based around tourism and ecotourism. Q)What is wilderness and why is it important? A)Wilderness is land officially designated as an area where natural communities have not been seriously disturbed by humans and where human activities are limited by law. It is important because they contain much of the world's speci es.Q)Describe the controversy over protecting wilderness in the United States. A)This controversy is to protect forests or to develop the land for our own purposes. Q)Describe a four-point strategy for protecting ecosystems. A)This four-point system includes the mapping of the world's terrestrial ecosystems, locating and protecting most endangered ecosystems and species, seeking to restore degraded ecosystems, and making development biodiversity-friendly. a s a biodiversity hotspot and why is it important to protect such areas?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Three Most Effective College Study Skills

College life is a new start for me. I need to change my study skills to adapt the new period of studying. As a college student, I think developing effective study skills is an excellent way to ensure that I can fully enjoy my college life. First of all, making a schedule to confirm what things I need to do and put everything in order is a good way for me to improve the learning efficiency. I try to make an â€Å"everyday To-Do list† and mark important tasks on the calendar, such as preparing presentations, the deadline of essays, and the date of quizzes or examinations.It can help me know class and tasks clearly, and then I can arrange everything under control. When I complete a task, I’ll tick off it. A small tick always gives me a sense of achievement. Secondly, listening to lecturers carefully in class is the most essential way. I try to take notes to record something important and underline important points in class. And I think giving eye contacts to teachers is a good way to give feedbacks to teachers and help teacher know whether you’ve understood or not.Actually, previewing new knowledge before class can help me understand contents of the class better. Moreover, reviewing knowledge after class; it’s a good way to test whether I’ve grasped the knowledge or not. Last but not least, participating in extracurricular activities is an important way. There’re lots of different kinds of lectures in our college, some lectures can help me open up my mind and enlarge my knowledge, and some lectures can help me relax.And participating in the group work regularly is a good way to develop communication competence and find our own strength and weakness. Meanwhile, society club activities also are a part of the college life. In our leisure time, we can take part in activities to make more friends and relax ourselves. All in all, everyone may have their own way to study well and get higher grades. Anyway, I think these three way s are the most appropriate for me. Someone who knows how to learn efficiently is much better than someone who can get good grades. (366 words)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

cyber laws essays

cyber laws essays The concept idea of cyber terrorism has always been a great treat for computer technology since the first computer was invented in the late fifties; and grown up with the technology that has developed extremely. The use of the computers within the business and government sector have rapidly increased; this therefore provides a whole new prospect for a distinctive criminal to prosper in most cases. The advances in the computer technology has brought a new methodology in crime. Electronic crime has been responsible for some of the most financially devastating victimizations in society. In the recent past, society has seen different kinds of unauthorized access into classified government computer files, phone card and credit card, and electronic emails. All these crimes are committed in the name of "free speech." These new breed of criminals claim that information should not be suppressed or protected and the information should be freed. They think that the crimes they commit are really not crimes at all. Noone can deny that the internet is the most useful tool for computer abusing. There are many forms of computer abuse and yet they have not come to any solution. Computer crime appears in a number of forms; malicious damage, unlawful trespass and use (theft of computer time), theft of information, unauthorised information, imposturing by computer and pirating computer software, hacking and creating viruses to destroy information systems and hard drives, child pornography, cyber porn, theft of software and copyrights. The computer systems are under attack from a multitude of sources. These varies from viruses and worms, to human threats, such as hackers. These attacks target different characteristics of a system. Viruses and worms attack a system in one of two ways, either internally or externally that both share the primary objective of replication. However, they are different according to techniques they use and their system r...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Defining Fallacies and their A essays

Defining Fallacies and their A essays Two important terms in critical thinking is relevancy and evidence. Relevancy determines how well a statement relates to another statement. In other words, what proof makes a statement true or false? When the facts to do not add up or the premise of the statement does not agree with the conclusion, this is known as fallacy of relevance. In other cases however, the premises of a statement is relevant to the conclusion but do not provide adequate evidence to support the conclusion. This type of reasoning is considered to be a fallacy of insufficient evidence. In the following paper, the author will define three types of logical fallacies, an argument that contains a mistake in reasoning. The paper will illustrate examples of such fallacies, how these fallacies are significant to critical thinking and discuss its general application to decision making. A commonly believed logical fallacy is two wrongs make a right. This belief states if one wrong is committed, a second wrong cancels the first one out, therefore justifying the wrong and making it right. Some examples of this fallacy are east to point out, however in other cases it is not always so clear. For example, capital punishment for murders is a widely debated topic. Much pain is caused to family members and close friends with the loss of a loved one, even more so when the death is because of another person. Many supporters of lethal injections believe that inmates do not feel any pain during the injection, while others argue the procedure pain subjected is unconstitutional. While there is no proof that condemned prisoners feel pain during the injection, Anesthesiologists cannot confirm that the initial drug keeps the inmate unconscious through out the entire procedure (Battle over lethal injection playing out in courts, 2004). This fallacy is perfect for the close-minded thinker. It justifies peoples actions and gives them a false sense of securi ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Documentos para green card por matrimonio con ciudadano

Documentos para green card por matrimonio con ciudadano La documentacià ³n para sacar la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio con un ciudadano es numerosa y conviene tenerla en mano o al menos solicitada antes de empezar la tramitacià ³n. En este artà ­culo se distingue, para hacerlo ms claro, entre los trmites que se realizan cuando el cà ³nyuge extranjero est ya en los Estados Unidos y se sigue lo que se conoce como un ajuste de estatus. Y tambià ©n cuando se da la circunstancia de que est en otro paà ­s y se sigue lo que se llama procedimiento consular. Recordar, antes de empezar, que en los Estados Unidos producen los efectos migratorios los matrimonios entre una mujer y un varà ³n que los de personas del mismo sexo. Lo à ºnico que se pide en este à ºltimo caso, es que la boda se celebre en un lugar cuyas leyes permiten el matrimonio gay. Documentos para la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio con ciudadano por ajuste de estatus Las personas extranjeras presentes en Estados Unidos pueden obtener la residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, por matrimonio con un ciudadano mediante un ajuste de estatus siempre y cuando hubieran ingresado al paà ­s de forma legal, con una visa o mediante el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Es decir, no pueden hacerlo aquellas personas que ingresaron ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos. Los migrantes que se encuentren en esta situacià ³n deben asesorarse con un abogado de confianza antes de iniciar los trmites. Ello es porque a mitad de los mismos tendrn que salir del paà ­s y, en la mayorà ­a de los casos, tendrn una prohibicià ³n para regresar por 3 o 10 aà ±os. Es necesario informarse para estudiar honestamente si existe alguna posibilidad de regularizar la situacià ³n sin necesidad de salir del paà ­s. Para los que pueden ajustar su estatus, pueden realizar en un solo paquete dos tramitaciones distintas: la peticià ³n de esposo y el ajuste de estatus. Los documentos son los siguientes: - Formulario I-130, peticià ³n de familiar - Copia certificada del acta de matrimonio. Si el casamiento se celebrà ³ en otro paà ­s, asegurarse de que cumple con todos los requisitos para ser considerado vlido en Estados Unidos. En este caso, si el documento o cualquier otro no est en inglà ©s, deber traducirse. Este es  un modelo de carta para hacer una traduccià ³n certificada  para Inmigracià ³n. - Prueba de la nacionalidad estadounidense: pasaporte americano, acta o certificado de nacimiento en Estados Unidos, certificado de naturalizacià ³n, acta de nacionalidad por ser hijo o hija de americano a pesar de haber nacido en el extranjero o cualquier otro documento que pueda ser admitido para probar la nacionalidad. - Del cà ³nyuge extranjero es necesario presentar copia certificada del acta o partida de nacimiento. Si no estuviera en inglà ©s, deber traducirse y certificarse dicha traduccià ³n. No es necesario obtener la apostilla de la Haya. - 6 fotografà ­as tipo pasaporte de cada uno de los cà ³nyuges (cada uno, la suya). - Formulario I-485 para ajuste de estatus - Formulario del affidavit of support, tambià ©n conocida como planilla de mantenimiento, I-864 - Prueba de cumplir con el  requisito de ingresos para patrocinar: W2 o 1099, copia de haber pagado impuestos (tax returns) en los à ºltimos aà ±os y una carta de la empresa o empleador para la que se trabaje en la que se especifique desde cundo se trabaja en dicha compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, quà © posicià ³n se ocupa y cul es el monto del salario anual. - Copia de las tres à ºltimas nà ³minas (pay stubs). - Formulario de informacià ³n biogrfica, que es el G-325A - Planilla de los resultados del examen mà ©dico, I-693 - Si se desea un permiso de trabajo antes de recibir la green card, llenar el formulario I-765 - Si se desea viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar mientras se realiza la tramitacià ³n, puede que sea necesario llenar el formulario I-131 para el advance parole, o permiso para viajar. - El pago de la tarifa de todo el proceso. El Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) se pondr en contacto para la cita de datos biomà ©tricos.   El siguiente paso ser recibir el permiso de trabajo, tambià ©n conocido como EAD, si se ha solicitado uno. Despuà ©s, aproximadamente entre 2 y 4 meses de haber enviado la aplicacià ³n, se recibir una cita para la entrevista. En ella un empleado del USCIS intentar determinar si el matrimonio es de conveniencia, en cuyo caso se suspender la peticià ³n de la green card.   Es importante llevar a la entrevista documentacià ³n que sirva para acreditar que el matrimonio es de verdad, como por ejemplo: Cuentas bancarias a nombre de ambos asà ­ como la titularidad de propiedades que pertenezcan a los dos o hipotecas conjuntas.Pà ³lizas de seguros (incluidos mà ©dicos) a nombre de ambos o en los que uno de ellos sea beneficiario de la pà ³liza del otro, como por ejemplo en los casos de seguros de vida.Fotocopias a color y de calidad de fotografà ­as de la boda, de la fiesta de compromiso, si la hubiera habido, de la pareja sola y tambià ©n con miembros de la familia y amigos. Colocar 2 à ³ tres fotografà ­as en un folio en blanco y escribir en inglà ©s el nombre de las personas que aparecen, el lugar y la fecha en la que se tomaron. Repetir la operacià ³n cuantas veces sea necesario.Lease del alquiler de la vivienda, si lo hubiere o hipoteca.Copia de cualquier documento en el que figuren los nombres de ambos cà ³nyuges, como por ejemplo cualquier tipo de factura.Copia de la factura de telà ©fono que pueda probar la comunicacià ³n entre ambos cuando eran novios.Si lo hubi era, copia de los tiquetes de avià ³n para visitarse. Tambià ©n llevar identificacià ³n, incluido el pasaporte del cà ³nyuge extranjero. Si la entrevista es exitosa, se sellar el pasaporte del cà ³nyuge extranjero con una Tarjeta de Residencia temporal, que sirve para viajar y para trabajar. En el plazo de uno o dos meses se recibir la green card de plstico por correo.   Finalmente, si la green card se recibià ³ antes de cumplir dos aà ±os de casado, ser de carcter condicional. Dicha condicionalidad la hay que levantar a los dos aà ±os. Peticià ³n de ciudadano para cà ³nyuge extranjero que est fuera de Estados Unidos En este caso el proceso es un poco distinto. Se inicia con la peticià ³n con el formulario I-130 y envindose el pago por la tramitacià ³n y la documentacià ³n de apoyo que sirve para probar que existe un matrimonio, la ciudadanà ­a del solicitante y la identidad del solicitado (ver ms arriba en apartado anterior). Una vez que la peticià ³n es aprobada, el USCIS la envà ­a al Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Y sern ellos los que contacten y comiencen a pedir documentos y planillas, seguir las instrucciones al pie de la letra. Pedirn, entre otras cosas, el affidavit of support y todo lo relativo a probar que se tienen ingresos suficientes para patrocinar. Tambià ©n se darn instrucciones para el examen mà ©dico y, finalmente, para la entrevista en el consulado o embajada. Llevar toda la documentacià ³n que se indique. Si se pasa la entrevista, se recibe una visa de inmigrante que se estampa en el pasaporte. A partir de ese momento hay 6 meses para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Y en ese momento, al llegar a un puerto de entrada terrestre, marà ­timo o de aeropuerto, se sella de nuevo el pasaporte con un sello de ingreso que junto a la visa de inmigrante equivale a una green card temporal, hasta que se recibe la de plstico. Al igual que sucede con el caso anterior, la green card de plstico es condicional si se recibe antes de llevar dos aà ±os de casado. En es caso hay que levantar dicha condicionalidad. Finalmente, destacar que si una persona est fuera de los Estados Unidos y piden a su nombre una green card, es muy difà ­cil que a partir de ese momento aprueben una peticià ³n de visa de turista. A tener en cuenta antes de iniciar los trmites para pedir a un cà ³nyuge De todas las cosas, dos destacan por su importancia y posibles consecuencias. En primer lugar hay que asegurarse de que se tienen ingresos suficientes o que se cuenta con un co-patrocinador. El USCIS no aprueba peticiones si no se cumple este requisito, no hay excepciones.   Y, en segundo lugar, informarse sobre las causas de denegacià ³n de la residencia. Y es que no es suficiente estar casado con un ciudadano. Hay que ser elegible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos y convertirse en residente. En algunos casos no es posible arreglar el problema. En otros es cuestià ³n de esperar a que pase el tiempo de castigo o, cuando se puede, pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Esto à ºltimo hay que tenerlo especialmente en cuenta cuando el problema viene del hecho de haber estado ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. Esto à ºltimo es un problema cuando se superan los 6 meses de ilegalidad  y se est fuera de Estados Unidos sin importar cà ³mo se habà ­a ingresado o cuando se est dentro y se ingresà ³ ilegalmente. Tambià ©n hay que tener en cuenta que en cosas del amor, las situaciones pueden cambiar. Si hay un cambio de opinià ³n por parte del ciudadano, podrà ­a poner fin a la peticià ³n.  Tambià ©n tener en cuenta que el divorcio, por parte de cualquiera de los cà ³nyuges, puede tener efectos migratorios importantes. Finalmente, para saber ms sobre la tarjeta de residencia se recomienda tomar este test de preguntas mà ºltiples, cuyas respuestas aclaran numerosas dudas. Este es un articulo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Implications of Educational Change on Teaching and Learning Essay

The Implications of Educational Change on Teaching and Learning Practice - Essay Example In terms of the academic years, the education system gets organized such that the school year gets divided into four short terms running from late January until December. In December and January, there is a long summer holiday while the short holidays are between the terms. School attendance is from Monday to Friday where the learning hours are from nine o’clock in the morning until four o’clock in the evening. Apart from the normal learning curriculum, the Australian education system caters for other student interest and skills including drama, art, debating and public speaking skills. Other activities in the curriculum include some interschool sporting activities, which receives enhancement through collaborations. These activities range from competitions to collaborations. The education system gets organized into private tuitions allow for elite programs for talented and international students. In regard to the research work of Marginson (2003), the education system i n Australia provides for purpose-built learning centre and sporting facilities that offer an ideal environment for personal and academic development. The education system is in such a way that there is an international Baccalaureate, where there are 24 non-governmental and governmental schools offering the international Baccalaureate organization for students of age between 16 and 19 years. Adult education is availed by the Australian education system, and aims at empowerment, raising consciousness, provide Praxis and useful knowledge. Policy analysis The policy under consideration is the introduction of the Australian qualification framework. This policy creates a qualification framework which supports credit transfer and articulation between... The paper approves that the Australian qualification framework, since its incorporation, has given support for the growth and maintenance of pathways and hence provides admission to qualifications. This has led to many people being able to go into many carriers through open training provided in the framework, since the learners undertake training in many fields while the teachers can train learners in many fields concurrently. The framework has had significant impacts on the learners and teachers as a result of the changes in the framework. This is because the framework supports the learner’s lifelong learning goals through the provision of the basis for learners to advance through education and training thus gaining credit for their prior learning and the experiences of the learners. This impact is observable in teachers too who also gain experience in the field of teaching and become more competitive in the job market. This essay makes a conclusion that the reading begins by stipulating the education system in Australia by clearly highlighting the various stages that a student goes through starting from kindergarten until the student becomes a graduate. The Australian qualification framework receives much emphasis since it is the guideline for the education system in Australia. According to the Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board, the framework has had a significant impact on graduates and teachers who wish to expand their carrier. The reading is progressive and systematic on the various issues in the Australian education system. This renders it relevant.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The future of electric vehicles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The future of electric vehicles - Research Paper Example Replacing such vehicles with the ones that use electric energy will bring positive changes in the environment. Electric cars are vehicles that use electricity as a source of energy instead of fossil fuel. It is possible to use the cars since they already exist in some countries (Reddy & Tharun 957). The cars are environmental friendly because they do not emit pollutants in the air. Instead of fossil fuels, they only need to be recharged using renewable sources of energy such as solar energy. The first electric car was introduced in Australia in the year 2008. Each year more of such vehicles are introduced at affordable prices (Reddy & Tharun 957). There two types of electric vehicles entail the battery-electric and hybrid-electric vehicles. The battery electric ones have rechargeable batteries that can be charged at home or at charging stations. The hybrid ones have rechargeable batteries, but they need a small amount of fossil fuel to increase its effectiveness. The distance travelled using electric vehicles varies depending on many factors just like the non-electric ones. For instance, if the road conditions are poor, one will require recharging it more times. In addition, the size of the battery will also determine the distance covered using the cars (Reddy & Tharun 957). The use of electric cars will reduce overreliance of fossil oil that has led to environmental degradation. The use of standard cars leads to the production of polluting gases such as carbon dioxide in the air. The increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases produced cause the destruction of ozone layer. The layer helps in regulating the amount of heat reaching the earth. Due to the high usage of fossil fuel, this layer continues to be destroyed causing the increase in temperatures. The temperature rise has led to the degradation of the natural environment (Davis 4). For instance, temperatures

From an environmental perspective discuss the relationship between Research Paper - 2

From an environmental perspective discuss the relationship between Logistics, Operations and the Environment in International Manufacturing Organisations - Research Paper Example The third bottom line is the planet account which is the measure of how responsible the company has been to the environment. Therefore, the triple bottom line consists of profit, planet and people. This is used to measure the financial, social and environmental accomplishments of the company over a specified period. A company that does this is taking into full account the total cost of the operations. These may also be referred to as the three pillars of business (Avella et al, 2010). The basis of this concept is the fact that what a company measures is what the company is likely to direct its attention towards. When the companies measure their social and environmental impacts, they will pay attention to these effects. This is arguably the only way the community will have socially and environmentally responsible organizations. The three pillars of business include the customers, systems and teamwork. Customers are a core aspect considered in the prosperity of a business. They provide the cash flow that sustains businesses. The organization must aim to succeed with its customers so as to succeed as a whole. The motivation of the organisation is to provide the customer with what they want in order to fulfil their needs and perceptions. A good team is created through synergy that is created through trust and working closely together. The executive team in charge should be able to rely on each person in the team. The team members should know their job specifications and fulfil them as expected. The team members should also receive appropriate training following their employment in the organizations on what is expected of them so as to improve efficacy in their work performance. A business should also create specific set ways of doing things and carrying out certain activities which include computer technology , communication and networks. This reduces the time it takes for procedures to be executed. Set

American Neo Conservatism and the World Order Essay

American Neo Conservatism and the World Order - Essay Example American Neo Conservatism and the World Order Backed by an American nuclear arsenal and war machine, Bush tossed the words "freedom" and "democracy" about, making them sound like cheap and meaningless words. Taking advantage of the fact that Americans were distracted with the aftermath of September 11, Bush addressed the world saying, "Since America's emergence as a world power roughly a century ago, we have made many errors, but we have been the greatest force for good among the nations of the earth. A diminution of American power or influence bodes ill for our country, our friends, and our principles." Later, the question would be asked whether or not the terrorists behind the events of September 11 had awakened a sleeping giant,1 or whether the giant had in fact been waiting in the wings waiting for his cue to come on stage. When George Bush made his announcement to Americans that they would respond to the events of 9/11 with an armed assault against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, he did not share with his fellow Americans that already talk had been going on in the White House of a plan to invade Iraq. In November, 2001, ". . . Bush asked his defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, to revise the U.S. war plan for Iraq and publicly called for the return of UN arms inspectors to the country.† While a response of moving militarily against Afghanistan as the threshold of operations for the terrorists who had attacked the United States on September 11, 2001 went unquestioned by most Americans.; neo conservative plans of pre-emptive defense tactics against Iraq left many Americans scratching their heads in contemplation of the rhetoric coming out of the White House. It was the notion of a "pre-emptive" strike against a perceived threat to America that caused many, amongst them Democrats, who had pr eviously supported the administration in its response to the 9/11 terrorists in Afghanistan to now jump off the band wagon and put enough distance between themselves and the Bush administration so as to regain perspective of what actions were going on that were clearly being driven the neo conservatives who gained momentum following the events of 9/11. Amongst those who attempted to distance themselves from the Bush administration during the talk of pre-emptive invasion of Iraq period, were world leaders, some of whom seemed taken aback by Bush's pre-emptive rhetoric. "Our closest allies have spoken out against an invasion of Iraq. Gerhard Schroder, leading a usually complaisant Germany but locked in a tough re-election fight, has gone so far as to label this possibility an "'adventure,'" sparking a protest from our ambassador (Galston 2002, 1)." Bush administration officials were accused of ignoring and disregarding the thoughts of those world leaders with whom the United States had close ties (1). The idea of a long term military engagement in the Middle East gave rise to concerns that America was embarking on yet another disastrous course of military occupation and conflict, just as they had during the Viet Nam era; provoking comment from former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger (1). Kissinger weighed in saying, "Regime chang e as a goal for military intervention challenges the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Developing a Business Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developing a Business Model - Essay Example The company should allocate at least 50 percent of future American capacity to small and medium-size cars, so that it can adapt to what is turning out to be a permanent transition to a smaller and more gas-efficient cars. The company should also develop and incorporate flexible body shops in all its American assembly plants to facilitate quick response to evolving consumer needs (Trompenaars and Coebergh, 2014:47). In addition, it should make its entire engine and transmission plants flexible and able to manufacture different combinations of engine and transmission series. Between 2009 and 2011 Ford announced 4 more plant closures as well as its intent to sell or close 4 ACH plants that were remaining. It is imperative for the company to aggressively align its manufacturing capacity to actual demand. Regarding suppliers, the firm should work very hard to boost its US based supply operations, which represent eighty percent of its North American acquisitions. The firm should implement several business practices with its suppliers, aimed at maximising collaboration, supporting data transparency and expanding the capacity of business with desired suppliers, while enhancing its business model to make it m ore sustainable (Schein, 2012:53). The company should also be able to lower the total number of its production suppliers who qualify for significant sourcing, with more reductions to take place in the future. The company should pay special attention to enhancing its women and minority suppliers – which currently represent roughly $4 billion of its yearly $35 billion of acquisitions from American supplier bases. So far, consolidation initiatives have led to, and will lead to, more business for its chief suppliers which will maximise their financial strength. Regarding dealers, Ford currently has too many at its current and forecasted future market share. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Civil rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Civil rights - Essay Example Not until the 1960s did a considerable significant number of youth of America join and add their efforts to the movement. The scholarly works of Lawson and Payne have led them to contradictory opinions of the riotous years from 1945 to 1968. However both provide a gleaming, deviously nuance summary of the period. Charles Payne has thoroughly worked on the definitive study of the civil rights movement in the Delta. Payne divulges the bravery, infatuation, absurdity, and perseverance of thousands of black women and men who worked, against irresistible odds, to take charge of their destiny through his outstanding use of verbal interviews of past. This is the most ample and enlightening study of organizing on the grass-roots echelon that we have, and will be of importance to scholars, students, and activists alike. Lawson captures what is said "the view from the nation," in conflict that "it was the federal government ... that played an indispensable role in shaping the fortunes of the civil rights revolution. It is impossible to understand how Blacks achieved first-class citizenship ... in the South without concentrating on what national leaders ... did to influence the course of events" (p. 3). Explanation of Lawson argues that still after Birmingham and the March on Washington the nation had not been stimulated to crack the "legislative logjam" (p. 29) over an all-inclusive bill of civil rights. Lyndon B. Johnson's congressional wizardry and ethical dedication made it happened. It was as functional as the Selma demonstrations were in getting passage of Voting Rights Act 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson had inculcated the Justice Department to set up the bill "even before the Selma campaign had begun" (p. 32). "Throughout the history of the civil rights struggle, the national state played a key role in determining its outcome" (p. 40). Payne is piercingly critical of the "top-down" (p. 109) theory, asserting that top down approach falls short to value and understand the function ordinary people performed in changing the state, spotlights approximately exclusively on large-scale spectacular events to the disadvantage of "the real and authentic social infrastructure that continued the struggle on daily basis," and highlights only legislative modifications at the cost of perceiving the civil rights movement "as a changing experience for persons" (p. 110). Above all, conceivably, in Payne's opinion, the top-down elucidation promotes a triumphalism that marks off black fundamentals as a fringe anthology of ingrates, overlooking that by the end of their lives, "the gap between Martin Luther King's thoughts" and that of Malcolm X was "less than one might imagine" (p. 133). Payne's logical admiration for great organizers like Ella Baker guides him to view with evident commiseration their diverse feelings about "relatively short-term public events" (p. 125) like Birmingham and Selma that were highly influential in the civil rights revolution. Steven F. Lawson and Charles Payne scrutinize the persons who made the movement an achievement, both at the uppermost level of government and in the grassroots channels. Designed exclusively for college and university courses in American history, this is the best elucidation about the glory and agony of these

Developing a Business Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developing a Business Model - Essay Example The company should allocate at least 50 percent of future American capacity to small and medium-size cars, so that it can adapt to what is turning out to be a permanent transition to a smaller and more gas-efficient cars. The company should also develop and incorporate flexible body shops in all its American assembly plants to facilitate quick response to evolving consumer needs (Trompenaars and Coebergh, 2014:47). In addition, it should make its entire engine and transmission plants flexible and able to manufacture different combinations of engine and transmission series. Between 2009 and 2011 Ford announced 4 more plant closures as well as its intent to sell or close 4 ACH plants that were remaining. It is imperative for the company to aggressively align its manufacturing capacity to actual demand. Regarding suppliers, the firm should work very hard to boost its US based supply operations, which represent eighty percent of its North American acquisitions. The firm should implement several business practices with its suppliers, aimed at maximising collaboration, supporting data transparency and expanding the capacity of business with desired suppliers, while enhancing its business model to make it m ore sustainable (Schein, 2012:53). The company should also be able to lower the total number of its production suppliers who qualify for significant sourcing, with more reductions to take place in the future. The company should pay special attention to enhancing its women and minority suppliers – which currently represent roughly $4 billion of its yearly $35 billion of acquisitions from American supplier bases. So far, consolidation initiatives have led to, and will lead to, more business for its chief suppliers which will maximise their financial strength. Regarding dealers, Ford currently has too many at its current and forecasted future market share. The

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organizational Changes within the National Health Service Essay Example for Free

Organizational Changes within the National Health Service Essay 1. Discuss and debate the organizational changes within the National Health Service and examine how these have influenced care delivery. At the start of the NHS, a mediation model of management subsisted where the role of the manager facilitated health care professionals to care for the patient. Medical staffs were extremely influential and controlling in determining the shape of the service, at the same time as managers were imprudent and focused on managing internal organizational issues (Harrison et al. 1992). After the 1979 general election, there was originally little change to the National Health Service (Klein 1983). Though, poor economic growth, together with growing public expenditure, slowly brought about changes. Influenced by the New Right ideologies, a more interventionist, practical, style of management in the health service emerged. This efficiently changed the role of managers from one of imprudent scapegoats for existing problems, to agents of the government (Flynn 1992). Managers became the means by which government control over NHS spending was increased (Harrison and Pollitt 1994). The impulsion for this change arose from the 1983 Griffiths report (NHS Executive 1983), an assessment by the government health advisor, Sir Roy Griffiths. Within this report, four specific problem areas were recognized: the limited management influence over the clinical professions; a managerial stress on reactivity to problems; the significance placed on managing the status quo; and a culture of producer, not consumer, orientation (Harrison et al. 1992). The power of the Griffiths Report (op. cit.) was to challenge and limit medicines sovereignty in the health service, and over health care resources. certainly, nurses were simply referred to twice throughout the document. Through its attention on organizational dynamics and not structure, the Griffiths Report proposed main change to the health service. General Managers were initiated at all levels of the NHS. In spite of Griffiths original intention that it was simply cultural adjustment that was required, there were instantaneous and considerable structural and organizational changes in the health service (Robinson et al. 1989). Post-Griffiths there were escalating demands for value for money in the health service (DoH 1989). Efforts to extend managerial control over professional autonomy and behavior so continued throughout this intense period of change, and terminated with the NHS and Community Care Act (DoH 1990). From the re-organizations that taken place during this period, the NHS was rationalized to conform more intimately to the model of free enterprise in the private sector. This reformation was shaped by the belief that greater competence could be stimulated through the formation of an internal and competitive market. The belief that the health service was a distinguishing organization was disputed. The principles of economic rationality linked with business organizations were applied extensive to the operation of health service. The services requisite were determined, negotiated, and agreed by purchasers and providers through a funding and constricting mechanism. In this, trust hospitals and Directly Managed Units supplied health care provision for District and General Practitioner fund holders. There has since been a further shift in the purchaser base from health authorities to local commissioning through primary care groups and, more lately, through the Shifting the Balance of Power: The Next Steps policy document (DoH 2001b), to Primary Care Trusts. Through such recognized relationships, purchasers have turn out to be commissioners of services and the idea of the internal market has become the managed market that recognizes the more long-term planning of services that is required. Rhetoric of organization and health improvement underpins service agreements now made. The NHS is not simply a technical institution for the delivery of care, but as well a political institution where the practice of health care and the roles of health care practitioners imitate the authority base within society. The hospital organizational structure is an influential determinant of social identity, and thus affects health care roles and responsibilities. Though, through the health care reforms the medical staff and, to a lesser degree the managers, appeared to be defense from the introduction of general management into the health service. This has resulted in health service delivery remaining stoutly located within a medical model, and medical domination unchallenged (Mechanic 1991). It is the less authoritative occupational groups, including nursing, that have felt the major impact of such reforms. The NHS organizational changes aimed to convey leadership, value for money, and professional responsibility to managers at all level of the health service. These alterations were intended to reverse the organizational inertia that was limiting growth and efficiency in the system. Though originally aiming a positive impact on the service, these radical ideologies led to tension at the manager-health care professional boundary (Owens and Glennerster 1990). The prologue of the internal market in the NHS meant to present a more neutral and competent way of allocating resources, through rationalization and depersonalization. The new era of managerially claimed to be a changing force opposing customary health professional power (Newman and Clarke 1994), and persuasive professionals to offer to organizational objectives (Macara 1996). The contradictory models of health care held by managers and health care workers improved ambiguity over areas of responsibility and decision making, somewhat than clarity as anticipated (Owens and Glennerster 1990). The contending ideologies and tribalism between the health care groups were more unequivocally revealed. The introduction of markets to health care exposed a dichotomy for health care professionals. Medical and nursing staffs were requisite to report to better managerial officials, yet reveal professional commitment to a collegial peer group. This was challenging, mainly for medical staff that understood medical influence and the independence of medical practice, but did not recognize managerial ability. In many of the commentaries addressing this, the majority pragmatic resolution to addressing this situation was to distinguish that professional independence exists but together with, and limited, by managerial and decision-making control. The Griffiths Report (NHS Management Executive 1983) considered the doctor as the natural manager and endeavored to engage medicine with the general management culture through the resource management inventiveness. This requisite medicine to clinch the managerial values of collaboration, team work and collective attainment through the configuration of clinical management teams: the clinical directorate. On the contrary such working attitudes were in direct contrast to medicines principles of maximizing rather than optimizing, and of autonomy not interdependence. It is fascinating that even in todays health care environment; there have been sustained observations that medical staffs do not supervise resources or clinical staff in an idealistic way. in spite of this, there has been little effort to undertake a methodical and broad review of the organization of medical work. This is in direct distinction to the experience of nurses, whose working practices and standards persist to be cr itiqued by all. Early on attempts made by managers to bound medical authority led to doctors adopting countervailing practices so as to remain independent and avoid organizational authority. Such practices, taken to keep their clinical independence, included unrestricted behaviors in admitting patients or deciding on explicit patient treatments (Harrison and Bruscini 1995). These behaviors rendered it hard for managers to intrude on medical practice, and therefore restricted the impact of the health care reforms. Immediately post-Griffiths there was some proof that introduction of general managers had, to a small extent, influenced medical practices. Green and Armstrong (1993) undertook a study on bed management in nine London hospitals. In this study, it was established how the work of managerial bed managers was capable to influence throughput of patients, admission and operating lists, thereby ultimately affecting the work of medicine. however, attempts made by managers to organize medicine were self-limiting. Health care managers were not a colossal, ideologically homogeneous group and lacked a strong consistent power base (Harrison and Pollitt 1994). Managers did not fulfill their remit of exigent the medical position in the health service and evade the responsibility for implementing repulsive and difficult decisions (Harrison and Pollitt op. cit.). The management capability of medicine persists to be challenged by government initiatives including the overture of clinical governance (DoH 1997). In this, the Chief Executives of trusts are held responsible for the quality of clinical care delivered by the whole workforce. An optimistic impact of this transform may be to provide opportunity for an incorporated organization with all team members, representing an interdependent admiration of health care (Marnoch and Ross 1998). on the other hand, it might be viewed as simply a structural change to increase the recognized ability of the Chief Executive over the traditional authority of medical staff: a further effort to make in-roads into the medical power base. Current years have demonstrated sustained commitment from the government towards modernizing health care (DoH 2000b). This has integrated challenging conventional working patterns and clinical roles across clinical specialties and disciplines. certainly medicine has received improved public and government scrutiny over current years. This has resulted in a shift of approach from within and outside the medical profession. The accomplishment of challenging the agenda for change in health care will be part-determined by medicines capability to further flex its own boundaries, and respond to the developing proficiency of others. 2. Identify and critically explore the changing role of the nurse, within the multi disciplinary team, examining legal, ethical and professional implications. The impact on nurses of the post-Griffiths health service configuration has not been so inconsequential. Empirical work has demonstrated that execution of the Griffiths recommendations led to the removal of the nursing management structure. This efficiently limited senior nurses to simply operational roles (Keen and Malby 1992). The implementation of the clinical directorate structure, with consultants having managerial accountability over nursing, further reduced nursings capability to effect change. Prior to 1984, budgetary control for nursing place with the profession. The 1984 reorganization distant nursing from nursings own control and placed it decisively under the new general managers (Robinson and Strong 1987, p. 5). As the notions of cost inhibition and erudite consumers were promoted, audit and accounting practices assumed a significant position in the health service. It was nurses who, encompassing a considerable percentage of the total workforce and linked staffing budget, found themselves targets for public and government analysis. Nursing maintained some strategic management functions within the new management structures, but these tasks were mostly limited to areas within the professional nursing domain. Nurses have been seen as pricey and potentially upsetting factors of production: channels through which costs can be lessened and administration functions can be absorbed (Ackroyd 1996). Caught in the crossfire of managerial changes that were originally targeted at medicine, nursing has been placed subordinate to management (Robinson and Strong 1987). In spite of debates on the impact of health care changes, there is consent on one issue. The structural and organizational changes in the NHS since 1991 have re-fashioned unit management teams and unit management responsibilities. This has resulted in the improved involvement of these teams in the stipulation of the service. It has required a diverse way of thinking about health care and new relationships between clinicians and managers to be developed (Owens and Glennerster 1990). The nineties are set to become a vital period in changing the ways in which health care is delivered, not just in terms of the potential re-demarcation of occupational boundaries between health care occupations, but as well in terms of the broader political, economic and organizational changes presently taking place in the NHS. It is asserted that traditional demarcations between doctors and nurses, seen as based on ever more unsustainable distinctions between cure and care, are becoming blurred and that the new nursing causes a threat to the supremacy of the medical profession within health care (Beardshaw and Robinson 1990). though, there is an element of wishful thinking about this and, indeed, Beardshaw and Robinson (1990) rage their optimism with an identification of the continued reality of medical dominance. They see the threat to medical supremacy as one of the most problematical aspects of the new nursing, largely as claims to a unique therapeutic role for nursing must essentially involve a reassessment of patient care relative to cure. In Beardshaw and Robinsons view, the degree to which doctors will be willing to exchange their conventional handmaidens for true clinical partners, or even substitutes, is one of the most significant questions posed by the new nursing. In the wake of the Cumberlege Report on Community Nursing (DHSS 1986) and World Health Organization directions concerning precautionary health care, there appeared the very real view of the substitution of nurses for doctors in definite clinical areas-particularly primary care in the community, through nurses creating a central role in health encouragement, screening, counseling and routine treatment work in some GP practices (Beardshaw and Robinson 1990). Though, a current evaluation of the impact of present reforms in the NHS on the role of the nurse in primary care is more distrustful concerning the future shape of the community nursing role. If the way to determine the extent of nurses challenge to medicine is in terms of the conflict it provokes, then there positively is proof of medical resistance to recent developments in nursing. Doctors reaction to the Cumberlege Report on neighborhood nursing (DHSS 1986), which suggested the appointment of nurse practitioners, revealed that there were doctors who strongly resisted the initiative of nurses acting autonomously (Delamothe 1988). On the other hand, the General Medical Services Committee and the Royal College of Nursing agreed that decisions concerning appropriate treatment are in practice not always made by the patients general practitioner and recognized that nurses working in the community are effectively prescribes of treatment (British Medical Journal 1988:226). Discussions relating to the proper arrangements desired to hold the prescription of drugs by nurses are taking place, on the grounds that nurse prescribing raises issues linking to the legal and professional status of both the nursing and the medical professions (British Medical Journal 1988:226). This suggests that renegotiations relating to the spheres of competence of doctors and nurses are on the agenda. None the less, the General Medical Council (1992) Guidelines remain indistinct on nurse prescribing and other forms of delegation of tasks under medical privilege to nurses, stating that it has no desire to hold back delegation, but warning that doctors must be satisfied concerning the competence of the person to whom they are delegated, and insisting that doctors should retain eventual responsibility for the patients, as improper delegation renders a doctor liable to disciplinary proceedings. Renegotiations around the division of responsibilities between doctors and nurses are taking place very carefully and to a large extent on a rather extemporized basis, given the volume of letters requesting advice and clarification received from GPs by the General Medical Council. The focus in much of the nursing literature seems to be on the challenge of the new nursing to the old nursing posed by nursing reform, somewhat than on the challenge to medicine. One doctor (Mitchell 1984) has complained in the pages of the British Medical Journal that doctors have not been told what the nursing process is about. Paradoxically, the nursing process is in fact derived from the work of an American doctor, Lawrence Weed, who pioneered the problem-oriented record for hospitals in 1969. This changed the way in which patient information was collected and stored by instituting one single record to which all health professionals given. Though the nursing process, which was part of this innovation, crossed the Atlantic to Britain, the problem-oriented record did not. Mitchell (1984) has argued that the medical profession must oppose the nursing process and give it a rough ride on the grounds that medical knowledge should precede nursing plans to remedy the deficiencies of living activities which are, he insists, consequential upon the cause and clinical course of disease. He also accuses nurses of enabling a pernicious dichotomy between cure and care, relegating the doctor to disease and inspiring the nurse to the holistic care of the individual, and suspects that the nursing process is less a system of rationalizing the delivery of care than a means of elevating nurses status and securing autonomy from medical supremacy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Colonialism on Indigenous People

Impact of Colonialism on Indigenous People In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Observed on the second Monday of October every year, the federally recognized holiday celebrates the achievements of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. But because his arrival brought murder and slavery to indigenous peoples in the Americas, activists have attempted to rename this holiday to Indigenous Peoples Day. Though Indigenous Peoples Day aims to reframe the heritage narrative in the United States, many indigenous people around the world are forgotten, including the people of Kiche in Guatemala who are on the verge of being pushed out of their homeland. With roots as far back as 2000 BC, the Kiche were among the few Maya groups who survived after the decline of the great Mayan Empire. After the conquest by the Spaniards and Kaqchikel neighbors, who allied almost immediately with the Spaniards, in 800 AD, the fortunes of the Kiche changed virtually overnight. Their lands were seized and they were relegated to the status of laborers for their new, colonial landowners. Little has changed since that time. In a country where, Mayan descents constitute roughly 51% of the national population, ethnic diversity makes Guatemala a nation of immense human richness having its own cultural identity. However, discrimination against indigenous population is undeniable in Guatemala. As of today, 10% of total land is in Indigenous hands, which is not surprising where 85% of the nations land is owned by less than 2% of the population. In response, the Guatemalan government did provide about 5.2 million acres of concession areas for indigenous communities like the Kiche to take care of. However, areas controlled by the government undergo the most deforestation. Nearly 40% of Guatemala is covered by forests, making illegal logging a widespread issue that threatens the livelihood of people who rely on forests for survival. Critics blame uneducated campesinos clearing land for agriculture as one of the prime culprits. Though this does represent a threat, there are bigger threats, including lumber companies, and organized crime. Nevertheless, the government does not seem to have the political will to eradicate the dilemma. Some Kiche members, living in the highland Ixil Maya municipality of Nebaj, are actively protesting logging companies exploiting lumber on private lands. While the Indigenous Authorities of Nebaj issued a statement asking the government to take action, they declined to act and simply issued a statement that they are planting new trees for every one that is cut down. Eliseo GÃ ¡lvez, the deputy executive secretary of the governments National Council of Protected Areas, testified that for years, judges and the forestry police, have failed to coordinate this complication. Or perhaps, this very reason could very well be that the Guatemalan Ministry of the Economy actively promotes the investment of companies interested in exploiting the countrys nearly 2 million acres of forests. Timber companies arent the only ones contributing to the deforestation efforts. Drug traffickers have cleared large swaths of forests to lay down clandestine airplane landing strips and roads to haul through drugs. Galvez added, Now it is even more complex because of the influence of illegal actors who are using the park to move migrants and drugs north. In some parts of Guatemala, the narco-led deforestation annual rate was reported to be about 10 percent. In response to the crackdown in Mexico, drug traffickers began moving south into Central America around 2007 to find new routes through remote areas to move their drugs from South America and get them to the United States, said Kendra McSweeney, an associate professor of geography at the Ohio State University. But while bribes keep government officials looking the other way when it comes to deforestation activities, local activists and indigenous people pay the consequence when they speak up. As one of the highest homicide rates in Central America, kidnappings and extortion are not uncommon to indigenous people who may not have the economic ability to pay up, leaving parents to instead pay human smugglers to get their children to the United States, away from the crime. That in part helps to explain why large numbers of unaccompanied children began arriving in the United States starting in late 2013.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Classification Essay - Types of Wood -- essays research papers

Wood types differ considerably in properties such as color, density, and hardness, making timber a resource that is valuable in a wide variety of contexts. Each of the samples of commonly used woods shown here has distinctive characteristics. Mahogany is a tropical tree prized for its heavy, strong, easily worked wood. Hickory is a tough, hard wood used for tool handles, furniture, and smoke wood for meat. Instrument makers favor the strong, richly colored wood of the cherry tree. Yew is strong, fine-grained wood used for cabinetmaking and archery bows. Like mahogany, the wood of the iroko is resistant to both rot and insects and bears the "interlocked" grain of many tropical trees. Oak is one of the world's most durable woods. It is used in barrel-making, veneers, and flooring....

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Madison Lamb Louise Pompa English 11A 06 February 2014 Marriage Equality â€Å"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness† is one thing that homosexuals are not permitted to chase. Marriage plays an important role in our society, and I personally don’t believe that people should be allowed to choose who other people are allowed to spend their life with. The right for homosexuals to marry has been a controversial topic since 1924. Denying homosexuals is a violation of our civil rights, and love should not be determined by your gender: love is love. Homosexuals only want one thing and that is a marriage licenses. They want to express their love for their partner, just like heterosexuals do. Heterosexuals have the right to be in love, why shouldn’t homosexuals? Why should homosexuals have to fight for their right to be in love, when heterosexuals can marry, and love anyone they want? Marriage is a beautiful experience where you get to express your love, and your commitment to that person. I believe that everyone should have the right to do so. Homosexuality is becoming an accepted lifestyle nowadays with most evidence strongly supporting marriage equality. According to NCSL, â€Å"as of January 2014, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, including the District of Columbia have all legalized same-sex marriage.† Did you know that there is a tremendous amount of 598,791 gay couples, and 71,165 gay marriages? 53% of Americans strongly believe that same sex marriage should be legalized, while on the opposing side, 41% believe same sex marriage shouldn’t be legalized. How can homosexuality a... ...hat everyone thinks is the â€Å"normal†. Understand that everyone is equal, and it should always stay that way. Homosexuality is becoming accepted more and more in America, and whether it’s legalized or not, homosexuals are still going to be with whom they want to be with. Denying homosexuals, or anyone for that matter, is a violation of the civil rights. Discrimination is what’s wrong with our world, and denying homosexuals could put an end to all discrimination. Legalizing homosexuality will make the world a more peaceful place, and will allow each other to see what’s really on the inside. The labeling and homosexual jokes will finally come to an end, and people can love one another without questioning if it’s okay. Everyone is on the journey to find love in the world, and some people find that in the same gender. Love is love, and that’s all it really comes down to.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Importance of Moral Science

In today’s rat race values are eroding fast. There is a total decadence in social and moral values. Children go to schools daily thinking how to scale heights they will reach. How rich education can make them. In today’s cut throat competition even the parents instruct their wards that they should top in the class. The parents want their money back for the investments in schools. The criteria for promotion in schools are marks in sciences and social sciences, but not moral science. But childhood is a very impressionable age.The mind is like soft wax, so whatever one is taught at a tender age it leaves a deep impression. Therefore Moral science must be made a compulsory in school curriculum. Isn’t it? It is also a science of human soul; it’s a mirror of one’s inward mind, one’s ethics. Moral science inculcates values in mankind and value education is very vital from childhood. Coming to Values It means estimating any person any object any anim al. How many of us do so? In affluent families if children lose their belongings like a small pencil box or a lunch box they are quickly replaced by their parents.The parents think their little darlings will feel inconvenient without those things. My advice to those parents are let your little feel uncomfortable without their lunch or pencil box , then only they will learn And I promise you, next time they would be careful not to misplace them or even prize them no matter what those cost. Moral science helps every child to learn values. If diamonds were found in plentiful like pebbles on sea shore would we have cared to pick them? School is our ALMA MATER, which means My Mother.Just as a mother instructs her toddlers hoe to value family, schools should preach the pupils HONESTI IS THE BEST POLICY, CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME. Through moral science classes, Children spend so much of their precious time in schools. So schools shoulder the responsibility of imparting moral values to them. T emptations lure us just like the FORBIDDEN FRUIT had seduced Adam. As a result Garden of Eden was confiscated from Adam by God. Our life is also a paradise on Earth.Moral science can channelize us through spiritual crisis â€Å" His goodness shall follow mw always to the end of my days† Moral science protects us from the corrosive influences, else every one of us would someday turn into Dr Faustus. To make the children self-reliant, confident and responsible citizens we have to give them value-based education, which only moral science can do. After all â€Å"Today’s child is tomorrow’s citizen†. Moral science is not a religion-based subject. Rather it eliminates fanaticism, superstition and violence. It preaches LOVE ALL SERVE ALL.This value is lacking in today’s generation. It helps a child to pay heed to his conscience. Not to be led away by worldly show. Theoretical knowledge is not enough. Teachers should make their life exemplary to their stud ents. The lives of great patriots or spiritual leaders must be brought to the forefront Only Moral science can stem the tide of rapid value erosion and motivate the students towards a healthier life. A child is then trained emotionally, mentally, and physically how to be a responsible citizen or a good son or a daughter.They can resist wrong peer pressure intolerance and through right conduct lead forward their nation Who knows among these pupils are tomorrow’s leaders or even a spiritual Guru. With the help of schools , the pressure on the parents is also reduced. Thus to all the schools of the modern days it’s my hearty advice that before preparing a new syllabus for the new term please make Moral science as part of the curriculum. Let the light of spirituality shine through the eyes of the little ones.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Daedalus and Icarus Essay

When you take everything into detail, you will notice that the artist, Anthony Van Dyck, painted Icarus (left) very pale. While Daedalus, Icarus’ father, was painted with a darker complexion.The background resembles the color gray, whereas in the story Daedalus and Icarus are surrounded by brick walls, with a lone window that will soon become their escape route. I took into account that Anthony Van Dyck dressed Daedalus in a toga, whereas Icarus is trying to cover himself with what seems to be a blanket that resembles the color of his father’s toga. The wings seem to be more life-like then described in the story. In the story it states that Daedalus made the wings from wax and feathers, and that is what led to the death of Icarus. To conclude, Anthony Van Kyck used pale colors that seem to bring to mind death. Analysis As I said before, Anthony van Dyck used pale colors to paint and this seems very smart because it seems that there is a hint of sadness. With Icarus’ coloring it seems as if he is already dead and the blanket is the burial shroud that the ancient Greeks were either buried in or burned in. Like I said before, the background is gray and unlike the story, it doesn’t show a brick wall with a lone window. This once more brings to mind that it is to foreshadow the tragic end of Icarus. Daedalus seems to have been painted with a darker complexion than his son Icarus which tells you that Daedalus will stay alive and well. If you take into account what the characters are doing in the painting you will notice that while Daedalus is trying to explain how to use the wings, Icarus is daydreaming about flying. This seems to be the reason for his later on demise. Sadly this paintings shows nothing of Icarus’ actual demise, but Anthony Van Dyck does a wonderful job of showing th e creation of the wings and the reason of Icarus’ downfall. Theme The morals of Daedalus and Icarus were listening to superiors, and fear in god(s). The reason for ,listening to superiors, being incorporated with the story is because if Icarus had listened to his father than he would have  never flown to his doom. This is shown in the painting where Daedalus seems to be explaining something to Icarus, but Icarus looks to the distance as if already imagining his upcoming flight. In the book Daedalus explains to Icarus that if he flies too low the ocean spray will cover his wings and make him too heavy to fly. If he flies to high then the sun’s heat will melt the wax and cause him to fall into the ocean, where the strong waves will drown him. Icarus, despite his father’s warning flies high believing he could go higher then the gods themselves and then plummets to his death because the sun’s heat melted the wax. The reason this has to do with fearing the gods is because since he believed he could achieve something that gods coul d angered them. In a way the gods did repay Icarus with misfortune, because Apollo is the sun god and it was his heat the melted the wax and sent Icarus to his watery grave.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

International Bonds: Credit Ratings

Why do most International bonds have high Moody or Standard & Poor's credit ratings? Credit Rating Is a social Intermediary service to provide credit Information and reference for the community. Credit rating Is alma to show the size of a credit default risk the rating object, rating agencies focus on financial conditions and historical data to give the overall valuation of object. Currently, credit rating on the issue of international bonds is the popular investment risk valuation method in the international capital market.Specifically, this is assessed on debt servicing capacity of the issue bonds in a period, its fundamental purpose is to protect the interests of investors. At present, there are about 20 credit rating agencies on the issue of international bonds over the world, Moody, Standard & Poor's are the top 2 institution all over the world. Though they are private institution, but the rating scale and guidelines gradually become recognized as Internationally accepted sample s with considerable authority. Credit rating Is the traffic permit' for bond issuer to enter theInternational bond markets. International bonds with high credit rating mastered the global Information dominance and capital allocation rights. The rating will directly affect the level of costs and interest rates of oversea companies, it also can affect the strength of a business or even the survival and development of a country. Credit rating could provide objective and impartial credit information in order to strengthen management, avoid risks, optimize investment, boost sales and improve efficiency.High credit rating can increase the international business community awareness, improve competitiveness, to expand markets, increase sales and achieve rapid development of enterprises, expanding the scope of corporate finance at the same time, promoting financing success. High credit rating also can reduce financing costs in international enterprises. Companies with high credit ratings can get more credit policy In economic exchanges, easily to expand the scale of financing, therefore reduce financing costs.Q. What should a borrower consider before issuing dual-currency bonds? What should an investor consider before investing in dual-currency bonds? Dual-currency nod is a bond that is issued in a currency and pays coupons in the currency as well. At due date, the capital is paid in another currency. The coupon rates for dual- currency bonds are usually higher than other straight fixed-rate bonds. The amount of principal would set when the bond is issued based on currency appreciate.There are many motivations for Issuing the dual-currency bond, but the core reason is due to the long-term foreign currency offered by bank are rarely more than a decade, it must be used In order to avoid the foreign exchange risk. Exchange rate uncertainty would primarily considerate for both the borrower and Investor when dealing with dual-currency bonds. Currency fluctuation will Influe nce whether a borrower or issuer will gain or loss. As for the borrower, if the issued currency appreciates or principal, thus, the borrowers will benefit.However, if the issued and coupon currency depreciate or principal currency appreciates, the borrower will suffer a loss from exchange rates. As for the investor are opposite to borrower. If the principal currency appreciates or issued currency depreciates, the principal repayment they chive will be more valuable than the issued currency repayment, thus, the investors will benefit. On the contrary, they will suffer a loss from exchange rates. Normally, coupon rate dual-currency bond is higher than the single-currency bonds.On the publisher's point of view, the repayment in different currencies may get lower risk, therefore, the bond issuers were willing to pay a higher coupon rate in order to reduce exchange rate risk, and choose to pay the dual-currency bond. Q. Discuss the process of bringing a new international bonds issue to m arket. The main international bond issuance processes are as follows: (1) The issuer will contact an investment banker and ask it to serve as lead manager of an underwriting syndicate.