Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Personal Statement on Philosophy of Education Research Paper

Personal Statement on Philosophy of Education - Research Paper Example From the understanding of the historical literature philosophy of education, it is worth noting that a learner or every child must be identified as a unique individual who needs to secure knowledge towards stimulating intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth and maturity. Therefore, as an educator (Dhawan 79), it is my desire to help each student to meet his or her fullest potential in educational growth and maturity by providing for them with a safe environment that supports risk-taking and inviting sharing of ideas towards their knowledge growth and development. Notably, I believe that the three educational philosophy elements that I must apply to achieve these goals. These elements are usually conductive towards establishing proper learning and developing an environment in every learner’s education or learning process. These elements include the expectation of the teacher as the guide to any educational process; learners should be allowed to follow their natural curiosity and the same should to direct the learning process, and the last element is promoting respect among the learners. Therefore, it is understandable that it is my role as a teacher to guide and provide access to information to the students rather than being the primary source of the information to the students or learners. Hence, the learner should be in the forefront in search of knowledge such that their search of knowledge is quenched as they learn to provide an appropriate answer to their questions.... Hence, the learner should be in the forefront in search of knowledge such that their search of knowledge is quenched as they learn to provide an appropriate answer to their questions (Kilpatrick 38). Thus, the construction of knowledge needs the opportunity for discovering new practices and skills in authentic situations (Frankena 90). Therefore, as a teacher I understand that adequate access to hand on activities, as well as adequate space and time to students, is vital enable them to use the identified material to apply and reinforce acquired knowledge thereby allowing them with an individual opportunity to construct and discover knowledge. Additionally, other than providing learning materials and self-discoveries opportunities to the learners, it is vital to ensure that these materials are relevant and meaningful to the life and the interest of the learner. Achieving these targets can only be met through a constructive and thoughtful curriculum that revolves mainly around or foste rs intrinsic interests that motivate and stimulates the learner’s passion and interest (Kilpatrick 35). Therefore, curriculum is a vital tool that will help me to follow the right path towards helping the learner to achieve his or her interests and goals objectively and successfully (Elias 213). Notably, an effective curriculum can only be generated from learners’ ideas and set goals rather than creating the curriculum for educator’s self-imaginations (Frankena 132). In other words, as an educator, I will give students the opportunity to help in negating a curriculum and this will be achieved through viewing and analysing their interests. It is worth noting that when the students are taught by their own the curriculum, they will

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