Thursday, January 2, 2020

Victims Of The New Victims - 940 Words

As stated in Ministry of Justice (2013) press release victims of crime will receive more support than ever before to help bring offenders to justice and move on with their lives. The new Victims’ Code was set up explaining that people should expect from criminal justice agencies from the moment of reporting the crime to the end of trial. According to the Code victims of the most serious crimes, including hate crime, domestic violence, terrorism and sexual offences should get access to services like pre-trial therapy and counselling. There are free support and advice are available for victims of all crimes from Victims’ Information Service. The victim of crime has the right to contact the police and be kept informed about the investigation. During the investigation the police give the victim an update on the case at least once a month until it is closed. The police will let the victim know within 5 days if someone is arrested, charged, set free etc. Also, the police have to inform the victim if they cannot investigate the crime and explain why they have dropped this investigation. After finishing the investigation, the police pass it to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). CPR decides if there is enough evidence to take the case to court. If the charge is altered or dropped, the victim would be informed and have a legal right to request the review of CPS decision. The victim have right to provide to the police a ‘victim personal statement’, telling how the crime has affectedShow MoreRelatedA New Deal For Victims And Witnesses Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesThe role of victim in the United Kingdom has been debated throughout history. Historically victims contributed in an engaging part in contrast to their contemporary passive role within the criminal justice system. 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